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Everything You Need to Know About - Marble

24 Jun 2024

Everything You Need to Know About - Marble

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Marble is a timeless natural stone that has been prized for its beauty and versatility for centuries. This guide will delve into various aspects of Marble, including its uses, benefits and maintenance, with a focus on outdoor applications such as Marble tiles, pavers and pool coping. We will also explore the types of Marble available at Stone Centre and provide tips for installation and care.

What is Marble?

Marble is a metamorphic rock formed from the recrystallisation of Limestone under high pressure and temperature. It consists primarily of calcite (a form of calcium carbonate) and often contains minerals like clay, micas, quartz, pyrite, iron oxides, and graphite, which give it various colours and patterns.

What is Marble Used For?

Marble is one of the most popular materials used in the construction and design industries due to its ability to create stunning designs and long-lasting products. Since it has so many special features, it can be used in various ways in homes & offices, as well as in gardens and other open spaces.

Advantages & Benefits of Marble

Aesthetic Appeal: Marble has mineral flow and colour differentiation that is hardness and richness and cannot be compared with other similar products. It has a timeless aesthetic that allows it to be used for decades, and it is still fashionable after these years.

Variations: Marble can also come in several colours and designs, ensuring it will fit any specific recommended design aesthetic.

Durability: It is long-lasting and can withstand heavy use, ensuring that installations remain beautiful for years. If the appropriate and adequate maintenance measures are taken over time, it will last generation and it is a wise long-term investment if Marble material is used.

Heat Resistance: As for application, it is suitable for areas with high temperatures, like kitchens and other outside areas.

Natural Elegance: It makes any room’s final construction or decoration luxurious in that it has been associated with a timeless look or feel. Marble could easily add value to a property, especially for homes and offices.

Why Is Marble Good for Building?

It has been valued for centuries as a building stone that has a beautiful look and an astonishingly long-wearing surface. Because of the ability to have a good appearance and act as support for structures, it can be widely applicable in various constructions. Here’s a detailed look at why Marble is so highly regarded in the building industry:

1. Versatility

Marble’s versatility is one of its greatest strengths. There are a variety of architectural and design styles that can be used with it, including classic, traditional, modern, and contemporary. This adaptability makes it a popular choice for different applications, including floor and ceilings, floors as wall and cladding, tops, hearths, stoves and staircases.

Due to the versatility of the material in its usage, even architects and designers can merge it into different schemes and styles, which, in turn, will help create the interior design of the premises.

2. Resilience

This material is popular for its strength and thus can serve the needs of any construction project. Due to its high durability, it works properly in places like indoors and in areas that are exposed to various environmental influences. Marble is weather resistant and it can sustain exposure to rain, sunlight and even freeze. It is ideal for use in exterior conditions like paving, pool edge preparation, paving and other outside installations. Marble maintains its integrity in high-traffic areas. It resists scratches and other forms of wear from taking place and is, therefore, ideal for outdoor areas.

3. Customisability

Another unique aspect of Marble is its versatility, chiefly because it allows the creation of unique structures and designs. Furthermore, Marble can be cut, shaped, or polished to fit a particular design, functionality or finish, such as honed, tumbled, or brushed.

Types of Marble at Stone Centre

At Stone Centre, we offer a variety of Marble types, each with unique characteristics:


Argento Marble comes in the basic subtle silvery shades of grey and white, presenting a timeless and progressive design suitable for any design concept aligned to both traditional and current aesthetics. Due to its hardness and smoothness, it is a great material for many interior and exterior decorative parts. Due to its texture, stone is more comfortable underfoot than other flooring materials that might cause discomfort underfoot due to rough surfaces. It is ideal for areas with heavy traffic, such as swimming pools, houses, businesses and bathrooms. Argento Marble is very useful for flooring sets, pool copings, stairways, walling and other requirements. It can seriously metamorphise from the pool area to the wonderful terrace, giving the house an exclusive look.

Atlantic Grey

Atlantic Grey Marble is a great and beautiful solution for the decoration of outdoor spaces. It has a bleak blue and grey tone, resembling the colours of the ocean, and a white pattern that resembles sea waves. This hardstone remains unrelenting to any climatic factor, and its features are retained permanently.  Atlantic Grey Marble is suitable to convey a distinctive sophisticated tone, introducing soft grey hues and veining variations so it can be used effectively on patios and other outdoor areas. This makes it possible for those working to beautify their homes, offices or any building to realise that the stone would remain beautiful for many years come the bad weather. It is easy to maintain and clean due to its smooth surface. Regular cleaning and sealing will help in keeping the shine of the stone intact.

Tundra Grey

Characterised by the shades of blue and grey that look like the ocean hues and patterns that resemble the sea waves, Atlantic Grey Marble arguably provides fashionable and sophisticated outside embellishment. This hardstone is a timeless piece that can effectively endure all climatic harshness while retaining its beauty and grace. Suggested for use on the patios, swimming pool decks, and pathways and outdoor kitchen. The Atlantic Grey Marble offers the perfect blend of the gentleness of grey and the aesthetic features of the stones. It is also highly durable and provides long-lasting beautification, which is quite helpful if the location to be worked on is outdoors.

Being nonporous, it is very easy to clean and maintain; the material needs regular cleaning and sealing to maintain its allure. This naturally sourced stone is the pinnacle of both beauty and durability, making it ideal for those who want to build a much-loved and luxurious escape.


Valas Marble will look adequately splendid when employed for any outdoor space and yet blend the concepts of a seasides feel and homey reality. It comes with a sort of romantic combination of pastel shades, faint shades of grey and orange overtones. They are hardy, can withstand different weathers and can remain cool under heat to the extent of being exposed to direct sunlight. It could be used in houses such as pools, washrooms, and even balconies. Due to its natural nature, it is slip resistant.


Monaco Marble is one of the ultimate opulent stones. These paving materials, therefore, have a matte, anti-slip finish and are used in gardening, patios and other internal and external landscaping. They are used in different outside spaces like patios, yards, verandahs or any other place that is an open area. They are also applied on walkways that surround the fire pits and in paving fireplaces since some of them may act as heat reflectors. It makes them the most preferred source for Australians because of their durability, resilience and ability to mimic natural materials.

Where Can We Use Marble?

Marble can also be used in a variety of forms and hues depending on the specific context, whether it is for indoor or outdoor use. The natural stone has the attractive features of a timeless look, wear resistance and natural patterns, which are valued for various purposes. Here’s a detailed look at how Marble can be utilised in various spaces:


Flooring: An additional advantage of using these floors is that they give the inhabitants a royal feeling of class and elegance. They come in different styles, patterns and colours. Marble flooring adds an exceptional appearance to houses, offices, and other building structures because it is durable and can last for a long time.

Walls: Marble wall cladding comes with a sophisticated and elegant appearance that most people find quite appealing. This design can be employed for the separation of the living room, dining room and other areas by providing a luxurious look to the space.

Countertops: Marble, in particular, countertops are popular in the kitchen and bathroom since the stone is cold and has a glossy finish. They are heat resistant and thus can be used in kitchen settings and come with a certain aesthetic appeal in bathroom settings.

Bathrooms: Marbles are suitable for bathroom flooring, walls and shower surrounds apart from countertops. It is suitable for installation in bathrooms because it can be easily cleaned and it is also resistant to water penetration, which is a big bonus when it comes to designing a modern interior with a touch of luxury.

Fireplaces: They are elegant hearth fixtures that can be used in the living room or bedroom as a main focus area. The natural stone is a perfect choice – the fireplace looks cosy, though rather formal. The stone is quite durable, so the fireplace will look good for many years.


Patios: Marble pavers and tiles are ideal for use in the external environment of the home. They afford a sleek appearance and it is relatively possible to take numerous weather elements. Marble patios are a good place to work and rest, and they will give your outdoor area that pricey look.

Walkways: One of the ways through which Marble is commonly used in gardens and yards is to design pathways that are usually more elegant and long-lasting than other types of pathways. Natural stones are beautiful and their durability permits the construction of more durable walkways since they won’t deteriorate due to constant traffic and environmental conditions.

Pool Surrounds: Marble is also recommendable for use around pools because it does not easily wear away with rain or by just being in direct sunlight. This preserves the warmth of the ground and hence makes it more comfortable to walk on, especially when other floors are extremely hot. The textured surface of the stone can also make certain applications safer where slipperiness is a concern such as in or around the pool.

Garden Features: Marble can be used for different structures to be placed in the backyard including fountains, sculptures, and benches. These elements give the outside place and the garden, as well, a sense of refinement and are the finishing touch in the country house’s design.

Outdoor Kitchens: Marble is used as a countertop and other surrounding surfaces make it stylistically practical as an outdoor working station. That is why it is extremely suitable for temperature-resistant applications. Use of the kitchens, and the fact that it is strongly built, it can also withstand harsh weather conditions while still looking as good as new.

Factors to Keep in Mind While Using Marble

Using Marble in your home or outdoor space can bring unparalleled beauty and elegance. However, to ensure its longevity and maintain its pristine appearance, there are several important factors to consider:

1. Porosity

Marble is a sedimentary rock, and therefore it has a porous structure which will lead to products being absorbed in liquids and staining. Here’s what to keep in mind regarding its porosity

Staining: Marble reacts to certain products and acidic solutions that tend to permeate into the Marble surface for an indefinite period leaving permanent stains.

Sealing: It is necessary to seal it occasionally to avoid staining it. A good quality sealer creates a protective barrier of the surface of the stone. Thus, sealing has to be undergone every six months to a year, depending on the results of the usage and location.

Spill Management: It is important to wash up the food stains from the surfaces as soon as the spills occur. Avoid harsh scrubbers and cleaners; instead, gently wipe the surface area with a soft damp cloth and use a cleaner that is pH-neutral and safe for use on stone.

2. Cost

Marble can be more expensive than other materials due to its natural beauty and durability:

Material Cost: Marble price depends on the type of the material, area of origin and the quality of the material.

Installation: It is further advised that Marble be installed by a professional to avoid damaging the surface and durability may be affected, too, adding to the expense. It also needs special work of cutting and joining, so it has to look good.

Maintenance Costs: Add up the costs it will take to seal it again in the future, polish it, pump it up again, and in the long run, if it’s ever damaged, it is repaired. Even if we talk about Marble, it has a high degree of durability but to maintain its look has many recurrent costs involved.

3. Suitability

Marble types available in the market differ ranging from being suitable for use in various projects. Consider the following when choosing Marble:

High-Traffic Areas: For corridors and kitchens, the Marble selected should be a little harder since there is high traffic. The soft-lined Marbles are less strong and more prone to abrasion and scratching.

Exterior Use: Marbles are found to be used outside, while the others will pretty much break down. See that the Marble you choose is weather-friendly if applied in backyard/patio paving, pathways or nearby swimming pool areas. Sealing is even more important for outdoor Marble to avoid water penetrating it and causing harm.

Specific Varieties: There are some varieties of Marble on which etching and staining are more visible such as white or any light hue Marble. It might be more appropriate for them to be incorporated into design features than bench tops or areas that will experience a lot of wear and tear.

Marble Maintenance Tips

As with most finishes, there is certain special care that is recommended for the Marble surfaces in your house. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain:

Regular Cleaning

Gentle Cleaners: Cleaning should be done with a stone cleaner, a pH-neutral cleaner that is designed to clean stone. This helps identify and prevent any impacts that may be detrimental to the look of the Marble. Generally, just using water and a very diluted mild soap will do well.

Soft Cloths: You should use gentle soap and warm water or some soft cloth like a microfiber cloth to clean the Marble. It is also important to note that rubbing rough sponges or scrubs against the product will cause some chasing on the surface.


Protective Barrier: The process of sealing Marble works well as it merely places an additional layer on top of the Marble, which does not allow stains and moisture to set into the surface.

Frequency: If the Marble is frequently used, sealing of the material might be required after a space of 6-12 months. Sealing is most crucial for counters and other surfaces with frequent contact, such as kitchen counters and tables.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Etching and Dulling: Never use acidic products such as vinegar, lemon juice and abrasive cleaners since they are very damaging to the surface of the skin.

Specialised Products: Do not use any detergents that may cause more harm to the marble surfaces through regular use as time goes on.

Prompt Spill Cleanup

Quick Response: Be extra careful on carpeting and clean up spills as soon as possible, particularly those containing acids such as wine, coffee or citrus fruits, which may cause stain setting if permitted to remain. These can cause the formation of stubborn deposits on the surface of the Marble if left on the floor for rather long.

Blotting: When cleaning, do not wipe because this is likely to spread the liquid further, but rather dab the area with a piece of cloth with the intent of getting rid of the moisture.

Step-by-Step Process for Installing Marble Tiles or Pavers

Marble tiles or pavers will provide a unique look that will increase the overall aesthetic appeal of your house. Here’s a simple, easy-to-follow guide to help you through the process:

1. Preparation

Clean the Surface: Ensure that the place where you will fix the Marble is clean to avoid cases where it gets stained or develops some rust. Inspection and cleaning: Dust, dirt and debris must be cleared from the moulds.

Dry the Surface: Make sure that the substrate on which the tile is to be applied is free from dampness. Another environmental factor that can affect adhesive is moisture, which interferes with the adhesive.

Level the Surface: It also has to be flat so that many tiles do not turn out unevenly and are not flawed in their arrangement. There are levels for ensuring the flatness of a piece of furniture that can be used for checking and subsequent necessary tweaking.

2. Layout Planning

Dry Lay the Tiles: It is important at this stage to arrange all the tiles on the relevant surface to find the most appropriate orientation. This makes it easy for you to gauge how the tiles are going to look and also adjust anything that needs correction.

Cutting: If any of the tiles you placed are going to fit the wall, mark them and proceed to cut the tiles following the right Marble wet saw.

3. Adhesive Application

Choose the Right Adhesive: Always opt for an adhesive that is meant for use in Marble to avoid causing more damage to your beautiful floor.

Apply the Adhesive: Apply the adhesive uniformly over a small docket using the notched trowel. You should only spread as much adhesive on the tiled wall as you can cover in about 15 minutes before the adhesive dries.

4. Tile Placement

Press Firmly: Align and set each tile or paver to the adhesive and make sure that good contact with the surface is achieved. Twist them in a little manner while pressing down to allow them to get into a perfect position of the adhesive.

Spacing: Place them in between the tiles to make sure all are evenly aligned or to put equal grout lines.

5. Grouting

Mix the Grout: Pour a bag of cement into a smaller tub along with the appropriate amount of water to get the manufacturer’s recommended proportion of water to cement.

Fill the Joints: For this, use a pointed grout float in which you have to press the grout into the joints of tiles. Make sure that you apply it evenly on the tiles and all the joint spaces you desire the grout to fill.

Clean Excess Grout: Wipe off excess grout from the surface of the tiles with a damp sponge before it dries.

6. Sealing

Cure the Grout: After completing the grout installation, leave it to cure for a few days to dry up, depending on the type of grout you use and the prevailing climatic conditions.

Apply Sealer: When the grout has cured, apply a sealer over all the floor, including tiles and grout work neatly. It helps to prevent any contact with spills as well as from moulding.

7. Final Cleaning

Remove Residue: Finally, pressure washes the floor to ensure that the flow regimen is free of dust, dirt, and any debris that was left behind after sealing. It is advised to use mild soap and warm water and a microfiber cleaning cloth that will not harm Marble or stone.

Why is Marble Sealing Important?

Marble sealing is required to preserve the look of the Marble and to help resist stains. Here’s why it’s so important and what benefits it provides

1. Enhances Durability

By sealing the Marble there is an additional layer that is added which ensures less chance of it being scratched or chipped and other forms of damage. Thus, the surface of the Marble does not retain spots that can appear due to everyday use and can become permanent damage.

2. Maintains Appearance

Keeps It Looking New: Noble and fine, polished Marble finishes are best preserved using a good sealer. Sealing helps to stop marks on Marble that appear from common day accidents or due to climate changes, thus keeping your stone looking as good as new for longer.

3. Prevents Stains

Marble is also a very porous material and can easily get invaded by elements such as acidic liquid products and stains. When you apply a sealer to your Marble surfaces, you are protecting your investment and ensuring the appeal and usability of your valuable surfaces stay pristine for the long run.

What is the Average Cost of Marble Pavers and Tiles?

The average Marble cost, be it for pavers or tiles, is measured in mm, that is, meter squared. It varies depending on the following aspects:

  1. Colour

  2. Thickness of the pavers or tiles

  3. Grade, i.e. is it Premium, Commercial or Standard

Additional supplies like grout and adhesive are not included in the price per m2.

Here are a few more blogs that will help you to learn more about Marble:

Granite vs Marble Pavers for Your Outdoor Project

6 Reasons Why Marble Tiles Are a Perfect Choice for Outdoor

Marble Pavers vs. Marble Tiles: Which is Right for Your Project?

The Ultimate Guide to Atlantic Grey Marble

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